Benny Cemeteries
The first of two cemeteries in Benny, commonly called the Old Catholic Church Cemetery was located to the rear of the old church which stood from about 1923 to about 1967. This cemetery was primarily used to intern small children.
Today, this cemetery, along with the surviving foundations of the church, has been reclaimed by the natural environment. The only evidence of the cemetery is a small steel fence that encloses the grave of Joseph George “Andrew” Waghorn (December 25, 1928 – February 9, 1929) and a piece of a wooden cross still sticking out of the ground. A single burial mound can be seen here also. Presumably, this is the resting place for 13-year-old Joseph Doucet “Buddy” Bourassa (July 21, 1924 – June 15, 1938), who is believed to be the oldest person buried here. Since the bedrock is so shallow, it was necessary to mound the grave.
Despite numerous sources telling the webmaster that 12 to 15 people are buried in this cemetery, only six (6) persons could be confirmed and one (1) other child is suspected (only a surname is known).
During research for this article, several other adults were found to be buried in Benny before 2005, but not listed in the “Book of Life” which was put together during a 2005 project to restore the grounds at the new cemetery. Although it is possible that these adults may be buried at the old church cemetery, only one burial mound could be found which is large enough to be an adult.
Photos of the Cemetery at the Old Catholic Church
Current Benny Cemetery
Benny’s second cemetery is located at N46.78312° W81.61920°. The oldest burial record that could be confirmed was the burial of Rose Mahzenezhik, a one month old infant in 1930.
The road way that leads to the cemetery is located at N46.78502° W81.62548° off the main Benny Road. You need to take a second left hand turn at N46.78423° W81.62530° onto the trail that leads to the cemetery entrance at N46.78275° W81.62078°.
Prior to 2005, the cemetery grounds were not being maintained on a regular basis and had started to be overgrown by the natural environment. In 2005, a group of local residents as well as the Catholic Priest for the Parish of Onaping Falls and Cartier came together and restored the grounds. During the restoration project, a list of those buried in the cemetery was put together.
Today, the cemetery grounds are maintained by the local residents of Benny. The Parish of Onaping Falls and Cartier do not have any direct responsibility for the administration, care or upkeep of the cemetery. The parish remains responsible for Pastoral care for Catholics wanting a Catholic burial rite in Benny.
Last Updated on: July 28, 2024