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Knights of Columbus
Levack Council 11565
Levack, Ontario

Saint Bartholomew's / Saint-Bartélemy Church - Outside View
St. Bartholomew's

Meetings: 2nd Monday of the month
Executive meets @ 6pm – General Meeting @ 7pm

Grand Knight
Joe Nagy
(705) 670-5178

Deputy Grand Knight
Mark Moony
(705) 966-3768

Before 1995, members of the Knights of Columbus at the Parish of Onaping Falls and Cartier3 were members of various councils in Sudbury. That changed on April 23, 1995, when Father Don McLellan Council 11565 received their charter. The council at the time had 32 members. The Council’s first Grand Knight was Edmond Durocher while the first Deputy Grand Knight was Roderick Furchner.

Today, our members can be found providing a helping hand in our parish and at various events in our community.


Besides providing a helping hand, the Levack Knights also raise funds by engaging in fundraising activities such as our annual sausage drive, hockey pools, turkey raffles and other activities. We also provide our services as volunteers in various community endeavors, programs, or venues in the Sudbury area. In trade for volunteering at certain venues, such as the Delta Bingo, the Knights receive a portion of the profits that these venues earn.

The money that the Knights raise are distributed to individuals and organizations in the communities of Levack, Onaping Falls, Cartier and Dowling who provide services and/or programs that are aimed at providing for the well being of our community1. Some of the past recipients include;

Levack Public School2
Onaping Falls Recreation Committee2
Onaping Falls Food Bank
NeoKids (Sudbury Hospital)
Ministic Golf Club Food Bank Drive
St. Francis Xavier Cemetery Trust
Onaping Falls Lion’s Club (Christmas Dinner)

Nordic Ski Club (Jackrabbit Program)
Onaping Falls Curling Club2
Onaping Falls News
Parish of Onaping Falls and Cartier
White Tag Christmas Program
Onaping Falls Winter Carnival
KofC Basketball Free Throw

And many others over the years

If you or your organization are hosting an event for the benefit of our community (Levack, Onaping Falls, Cartier and Dowling), and your event is not be against the teachings of the Catholic Faith, you can apply to the Council for a donation. Include in your application who you are, what event your are hosting, how and who your event will benefit in the community, how the money will be spent, and the anticipated costs of your event. Send your letter of application to;

Knights of Columbus, Council 11565
c/o Catholic Parishes of Onaping Falls and Cartier
PO Box 650
Levack, Ontario P0M 2C0

Student Bursary Program

Bursary Image

The Levack Council also sponsors a student bursary program for children and grandchildren of our members. For more information on our student bursary program and how to apply, click the button below.

Faith in Action


  1. 100% of funds raised through the volunteer work with Delta Bingo is distributed to the community in agreement with Delta Bingo and the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario. Funds used for the Council expenses (insurance, state and supreme dues, etc.) Are taken from funds raised outside of the Delta Bingo funds.

  2. Funds disbursed to the noted community groups or individuals are directed to a specific event being hosted by that group.

  3. In 1988, the Parishes of St. Francis Xavier in Cartier and St. Bartholomew’s in Levack amalgamated into the Parish of Onaping Falls and Cartier.

Last Updated on: January 23, 2025